Tragic incidents in Abyaneh

Domestics tourists who came to Abyaneh during Nowrus (March 2024) probably to relax, if the quiet time is on their side. .Source image: @kohanviuna 27 Mars 2024.

Reflection from one of the villagers:

Excessive advertising of Abyaneh by the media, drives in tourists from the poor and middle class. These people due to lack of expensive rents in hotele and bed and breafast places and high prices of goods unfortunately lead to such tragedies and unfortunate events. Source: @kohanviuna

Toxic smoke killed three people at Nowrus, March 2024 in Abyaneh

KhabarBan News

Publication date: April 5, 1403 (Sunday 24 March 2024), News code: 40006663 

Natanz city emergency chief said: Three people were killed in a gas attack in Abyaneh village and two others were also gassed.

Hassan Ali Salehian stated: Tre people died and 2 others had suffered serious smoke damage in the village of Abyaneh. He said: The emergency center received a call that domestic tourists have been poisoned by toxic smoke from charcoal in their tent. The emergency center received a call that domestic tourists have been poisoned by toxic smoke from charcoal in their tent. After the conversation, paramedics were sent to Abayneh to take care of the victims. The unpleasant events led to the death of three family members. The parents and the 5-year-old child of this family lost their lives after the emergency personnel arrived at the scene in Abyaneh, stated the head of the emergency medical center of Natanz city.

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