The Historical Village of Abyaneh(Viuna)

Village of Abyaneh an ancient village with its immemorial traditions is one of the Iranian historical villages that contains some works from Sassanid period to the present time. It owns several unequal attributions just like the unique temple of "Herpak", a Chief mosque with a unique mihrab from Seljukian period, houses harmonious with climate and mountainous land. One can see Sassanid Pahlavic words in daily conversation as well as villagers' clothing that is rooted in earlier times. The present villagers' clothing and dialect, existing buildings and unearthed objects from excavations and relevant written documents. Inside Iran, it may merely be compared with the Village of Masouleh. Both villages are multi-leveled and constructed by local materials but Abyaneh has kept its architecture, ceremonies and culture, language, clothing and etc. (

The houses are beautifully situated, built with red color clay on one side of the rocky end of the valley. The spring water flows down into the water reservoir buried in the hill half a kilometer from the village. On the other side of the valley opposite to buildings are farms, an old castle, storage for agricultural stuff. Along the valley follow farms of fruit trees (apple, plum, walnut trees most common). As well as plains for clover cultivation, potatoes, wheat and barley for animal feed and preparation of flour for baking bread. Image: Private album. Oktober 2008

Hinza vally (Anahitha temple): View of Abyaneh (Viuna) through the hilltops seen from the valley of Hinza, which is located on the southernmost part of the village. Image: Private album. March 2014

Traditional Girls, Women's Clothing Style in Abyaneh(Viuna)

These genuine women in Abyaneh are wearing their beautiful traditional clothing style. A symbol of a continued struggle against those who want to change the fashion and style of the old living culture. Image: KohanDiar(Viuna)

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