The purpose of the articles is to highlight the positive side of Abyaneh as enthusiasts, researchers and writers in the media and that it is not just tourists who go there, make a short visit, take a few pictures and publish their visit on the internet which we experience is sometimes a distortion of the true image of Abyaneh and its traditions.
Sustainable and Functional Architecture in Rural Areas: Case studies of Abyaneh and Masouleh in Iran
Author: Saeideh Farnian , J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(10)23-30, 2016 © 2016, TextRoad Publication
In this research, values of sustainable design is handled regarding Iranian traditional and vernacular architecture focusing on two popular rural areas with a rich historical and architectural background called Abyaneh village located in central part of Iran with a hot and arid climate and Masouleh located in northern ...
Abstract: Environmental and natural restrictions affect economic growth and show themselves as either shortages in the sources of natural resources or lack of sufficient and appropriate facilities to absorb wastes and industrial pollution. Therefore, shortages of raw materials and increasing damages to natural environment has made many scientific fields to think of the ways decreasing such a risk. Accordingly, sustainability concepts and sustainable development has come to agenda in diverse fields as well as architecture in recent decades. Although sustainability seems to be a new concern in diverse fields as well as architecture, by analyzing some of historical constructions constructed by our predecessors many centuries ago, we can see that such a concept has a long history and a rich background in vernacular and traditional architecture. Studying the valuable achievements of predecessors, which are the result of accumulated experience based on elaborately knowing their nature, can be guiding in deciding for appropriate usage of technology in a sustainable way. In this research, values of sustainable design is handled regarding Iranian traditional and vernacular architecture focusing on two popular rural areas with a rich historical and architectural background called Abyaneh village located in central part of Iran with a hot and arid climate and Masouleh located in northern part of Iran. Both of these case studies can be considered as significant examples of vernacular sustainable design with adaptation to nature. Firstly climatic and geographic characteristics of both areas are introduced and then the appropriate architecture compatible with those conditions are analyzed to put it in context of sustainability concepts being more of concern in today's world. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the sustainable methods used in vernacular architecture of these two rural areas which can be inspiring in today designs as well and tries to demonstrate that appropriate integration of today's technology with achievements of the vernacular architecture, not only will result in less consumption of energy and natural resources but also will insure more healthy and sustainable future. KEYWORDS: Abyaneh , Masouleh, sustainability, vernacular architecture.
PDF file available at the site below
The Rural Tourism Anthropology (Case Study: Abyaneh Village)
Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research , Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch , Vol. 2, No. 1, Summer 2012, Pp. 143-158 , Author: Ph.D Student in Anthropology, Pune University, India Yaghoub Sharbatian & Shirin Khazaee M:A: in Anthropology.
Abstract: Expressions of Rural tourism, agro tourism, and village tourism are used many times as synonyms by experts and developers. This fact can be explained with the diverse activities of the area. Countryside hospitality is more or less connected to the agribusiness and this marketing product consists of accommodation services, catering and leisure time services. Rural tourism can be defined as a tourism product, which approach accentuates the importance of supply management and marketing activities. As against conventional tourism, rural tourism has certain typical characteristics like; it is experience oriented, the locations are sparsely populated, it is predominantly in natural environment, it meshes with seasonality and local events and is based on preservation of culture, heritage and traditions. Iran is world famous for kind hospitality, friendliness, and a beautiful Landscape and villages. Beautiful historical villages and rural areas, like Abyane have been visited by many foreign and domestic tourists. Definitely, Tourism industry in the villages has positive and negative consequences. Some experts focus on the positive aspects and vice versa. Some experts disagree with this industry and believe that must be prevented rural tourism. The main purpose in this paper is to investigate the aspects of tourism in Abyane village by anthropology view. The method in this paper is quantities and also action research and tools of data collection is documental.
PDF file is available on following site. Ref:
Monography of Abyaneh
Author: Ali Hamidian, Mehdi Ghorbani, January 2010, University of Tehran Text in Parsi
Summary: The high number of settlements and the undeniable role of rural settlements in the security of the country's borders, and more importantly, their importance in vitalising a wide range of land, are so important that they cannot be studied or planned for sustainable development. Therefore, Abyaneh village has been studied from a monographic point of view. Abyaneh village has been selected as one of the tourism target villages of the country. In this research, direct observation method and organised interviews with target groups have been used. The results show that Abyana has a rich and indigenous cultural potential in livestock and agriculture. The results also show that increasing migration of young people to continue their education and increase their income from tourism has severely affected Abyaneh's livestock and agriculture sector. Keywords: Village, Tourism, Sustainable Development, Monography, Cultural Potential, Migration, Abyaneh
PDF file is available at the site below (text in Parsi) Ref:
Human-Environment Relationship in Rural Society(case study of Abyaneh)
Author: Ali Hamidian , Mehdi Ghorbani University of Tehran Januari 2011 Text in Parsi.
Abstract: There are lots of villages in Iran (more than 64000 in 2006).Villages are very important and incredible, both in safety of the borders and keeping live a large part of Iran. So we should attend to villages and rural issues in our planning and researches. To use past experiences and have a correct planning, we have to have a correct conclusion of the past experiences and a logical assessment of future position . So having a profound knowledge about villages is one of the most important issues in sustainable development. Abyaneh, which is located in Isfahan province, is a rural tourism destination in Iran. In this study, had presented general information about Abyaneh before discussed about conditions of pastoralism and agriculture in past and todays.In this study we used direct observation method and organised interview with target groups. This study showed that Abyaneh used to have a rich native culture in agriculture and pastoralism.It also showed that Increasing of migration of youth-because of lack of education facilities there- and increasing of income-because of tourism developing- affected pastoralism and agriculture in Abyaneh since 1960.Unfortunately Abyaneh decayed from a dynamic village to a static museum for tourists for passing a couple of hours there.
Keywords: Human-Environment_Relationship_in_Rural_Societycase_study_of_Abyaneh
Full-text PDF available at the site below (text in Parsi)
Heads and tails tourism in villages
Sustainable tourism in the villages Abyane and Masule testifies that this does not create any positive developments in these villages. Said Abbas Saidi geography agricultural lecturer and member of Beheshti University. In the first place should be investigated and analyzed how much tourism will benefit the tow villages. Now we do not see anything positive. People who live currently in Abyaneh are Afghans. Right now you do not see abyanei in the village and Masule village has a population of less than a thousand people.
Rref: published Thursday, 23 ordibehesht 1395 13:5" 2016-05-12".
Tsunami tourism
Tsunami " ابیانه" reached Mount Karkas !
Mohammad Adil kadkhoda (Councillor) of historical village of Abyaneh warned on "tsunami tourism" Thursday Persian date 16 Ordibehesht , 1395 corresponding date Gregorian (2016-05-05). He stated: Usually this historic village on holidays is facing a tsunami tourism. Thursday and Friday last week were about 40,000 tourists arrived this historic village. So many tourists weigh on the limited resources available and puts all the infrastructure in this village under pressure .
The environment is too small for so many tourists and it is nit made to coincide with each other , so tourists are also penalized in some way , because they do not have the opportunity to walk around and discover the beauty of the historical village.
Ref: 20160514 text in parsi.
Strategical Planning Lead To Stability Development In Tourism Using Swot Method (Case Study: Abyaneh Village)
Journal: Geographical Data Summer 2014. Volume 23 , Number 90; Page(s) 73 to 81.
Abstract: The countryside tourism is a category to tourism that is gaining more enthusiasts every day. It is expected that in future the countryside locations turn into one of the most important spots for such activities. Furthermore, many countries have managed to improve their social and economic standing by such activities. Hence, by utilizing SWOT analysis (matrix) and other effective indices of stable tourism and based on field observation, opinion of the experts involved in development of the countryside and the tourism associated with it, has been studied and evaluated. The results obtained show that within the studied indices for attraction, the strength lies within the type of residence and the architecture associated with the target village. The associated indices also show that the lack of proper residences or the improper conditions of them serve as the greatest weak point for attracting tourism. The index of damage to the environment as a threat to the stable tourism and its development in this village is under the investigation.
Keyword(s): Tourism. Development of the Village (Countryside), Swot Matrix, The Village of Abyaneh.
Identifying And Analyzing The Barriers To Tourism Development In Rural Areas Of Esfahan Province Abyaneh Village (Case Study Abyaneh Village).
Journal: GEOGRAPHIC SPACE SPRING 2015 , Volume 15 , Number 49; Page(s) 37 To 56. Paper: Author(s): REZAEI ROHOLLAH, SAFA LEILA, RANJBARAN PARISA
Abstract: The main purpose of this descriptivecorrelative study was to identify and analyze the barriers to tourism development in Abyaneh village. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the heads of rural households in the village (N=160). According to the Morgan & Krejcie table, a sample size of 110 was selected using a simple randomized sampling technique (n=110). A questionnaire was used to collect the data. A panel of experts confirmed validity of the questionnaire. A pilot study was conducted to establish reliability of the questionnaire. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient for the scale of importance of barriers to tourism development in Abyaneh village" was equal to 0.87. Collected data were analyzed using SPSSWin18 software. The results of a factor analysis showed that five factors namely, infrastructural, supportive, motivational cognitive, informative and socialcultural items explained 64.61 percent of total variances of barriers to tourism development in Abyaneh village, respectively. Considering the barriers, it is certain that lack of proper planning and management in solving the barriers, results in reducing rural tourist attractions and diminishing capacity and potential of tourism of the village in the long term and consequently losing tourism markets and the deprivation of local people of numerous benefits of tourism and ultimately making delay in the process of rural development. According to the results, following suggestions have presented in order to reduce barriers to tourism in Abyaneh village, creating the accommodation, health and welfare facilities and equipment at the village, developing a detailed master plan for tourism development with the participation of rural people and related organizations, holding the educational courses for villagers about the importance and benefits of tourism, recruiting and employing the trained personnel to provide guidance and consultation services to tourists and soon.
An Analysis to Implications of Sustainability in Physical Structure of Abyaneh Village
Paper: J. Basic Appl. Sci. Res. 2013 3(2): 494-499. Department of Architecture, Shabestar Branch, Azad University
Authors: Shoarian Sattari, Mir Saeed Moosavi
Abstract: Sustainable architecture, as a general term, describes environmentally conscious design techniques derived from an energy and ecologically conscious approach to the design of the built environment. Vernacular architecture of each region has always tended to respond to climatic conditions of the region using passive, low-energy strategies to facilitate human comfort. These strategies have always been integral to the form, orientation and materiality of the buildings, as well as demonstrating an economical use of local construction materials. In Iran, vernacular architecture has been very important during history, trying to find a proper answer according to climatic and environmental conditions of each area. The construction strategies have been employed in adaptation with climatic conditions of each region leading to reduction of energy consumption and sustainability. In this research, principles of sustainability in Iranian traditional and vernacular architecture have been discussed emphasizing of Abyaneh village which is considered one of the best examples of adaptation to nature and sustainability.
KEYWORDS: Iran; Vernacular Architecture; Climatic Techniques; Sustainability.
Investigation of the Factors Hindering and Promoting Tourism Evidences from Villages of Abyaneh Village
Subject(s): Community/Rural/Urban Development Consumer/Household Economics
Authors: Manafian, Hoda; Ameri, Zhila Daneshvar; Esfahani, Saba Salehi
Issue Date:2014-02.
Published in: International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (IJAMAD), 04, 2
Page range: 95-103
Record appears in: Iranian Association of Agricultural Economic > International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (IJAMAD)
Abstract: Rural tourism, a dynamic industry with a promising future, can play a key role in economic improvement of talented countries such as Iran. Abyaneh village is one of the best-known villages in both Iran and the world. The number of annual visitors of this ancient village is approximately 550,000 that is a considerable number. Within a short radius of Abyaneh there are five villages (Barz, Tare, Komjan, Yarand, Hanjan) with a lot of potentials to develop rural tourism. But only 20% of tourists of Abyaneh population consider the surrounding villages as a separate destination. The large number of tourists visiting Abyaneh village provides opportunity for managing rural tourism in this area is to attract tourists to the surrounding villages around Abyaneh. In the present study, the hindering and promoting factors of fostering tourism in these villages have been compared by both the surrounded villagers' and locals' of Abyaneh village. To this end, 222 questionnaires were distributed among the individuals and the means were compared using Mann-Whitney test. The most important unfavorable factor, from the surrounded villagers' point of view, is lack of enough advertising and marketing and from the locals of Abyaneh village points of view, is the shortage of attractions, compared with attractions of Abyaneh.
Cultural Heritage Landscape conservation in the context of Sustainable Spatial Settings
Journal article : International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences 2013 Vol.7 No.12 pp.891-901 ref.14 Author Affiliation : Master of Urban Design, Department of Tehran Urban design, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
Author(s) : Hamid Danesh Pajouh , Mehrdad Taghi bakhsh , Shahrzad Baba mohammadi.
ABSTRACT:Cultural heritage landscapes present historical and cultural civilization signs andlegacies in its particular environment and landscape which considered today as a necessaryincentive to attract cultural tourists. This study aims to provide a conceptual analysis of culturalheritage and how they are linked to the concepts of landscape, heritage and identity. Itdiscusses how these cultural landscapes can be assessed and integrated into spatial andphysical planning. Cultural heritage conservation provides tools for reaching suitable solutionsfor sustainable development based on tourism. A region of central districts in Iran especiallyvillages that is linked to landscapes like Abyaneh, as one of famous spectacular culturallandscapes that express historical values and ecosystem.
Keywords : Cultural landscapes , heritage , sustainable development , Abyaneh
ABYĀNA a remarkable village in the ...
ABYĀNA, a remarkable village in the Barz-rud subdistrict (dehestan) in Naṭanz sahrestan, 38 km northeast of Naṭanz (Razmara, Farhang III, p. 3), and 18 km from the asphalt road connecting Naṭanz to Kasan (Farhang-e abadiha-ye kesvar VII, Tehran, 1969, p. 46). An upland village of about 2,000 population (2,181 according to the 1966 census, ibid.), Abyana sits at ...
Ref: Encyclopædia Iranica
Originally Published: December 15, 1983
Last Updated: July 21, 2011
This article is available in print.
Vol. I, Fasc. 4, pp. 402-404
Read the whole article here!
Recognition of House in Abyaneh
Journal: HOUSING AND RURAL ENVIRONMENT FALL 2010 , Volume 29 , Number 131; Page(s) 13 To 26. Author(s): SHAKERI ZAD ABYANEH A., MESGARI HOUSHAYAR S., MIRI S.H.
Abstract: The concept of "house" as a family residential center has been treated differently in various times and places depending on residents' expectations and responses. Meanwhile, rural housing not only is a place for living, but also provides necessary spaces for work and production, all gathered in a certain area. However, in the historical village of Abyaneh the concept of house, locally called "Kaya", totally differs from the general understanding of familiar mentioned rural housing. Thus the Kaya is not just a closed and bounded area within four walls. Rather for Abyanehians, house is not merely a room for dwelling, sleeping, cooking, settling, entertaining guests and setting necessities of life, but in fact a combination of some spaces dispersed among or even around the village. Abyanehian families make their bread in the public bakery. They store their equipment, supplies and foodstuff in a room far from their residence. Their fireplace may be located out on the side of alley. Their animals are kept in a shelter in some other part of the village. The farming equipment and husbandry requirements, timber and firewood are stocked in a hand-excavated space called "Kande" on a mountain slope, out of the village. Thus a "combination" of all of these different spaces means the "house" for them.In other words, the group of these detached and spread spaces among the village which belongs to a family forms the "Kaya" or house. From this point of view, an Abyanehian family wherever posses or builds a new space, is expanding his house. This life style has established a most complicated law and regulation system of ownership in the village, which is still ongoing and alive. In this article the concept of "house" is described through considering the life style of abyanehian people, their daily activities and spatial needs. For this purpose, a very precise plan was surveyed from the village's fabric and its different functions. Also plans of more than 60 residential units and some building blocks were provided. At long last, the concept of "house" has been inspected by verifying people's life and various spaces of their houses. Understanding the concept of Abyanehian house leads to have a right perception about this special and complicated type of settlement and its specifications. This might be helpful in probable future physical interventions not only in this village but also in other rural settlements.
Ref: (English)
Ref: (Parsi)
Red Village of Abyaneh
Discovered in "Red Village" of Abyaneh, FEZANAJOURNAL- Summer 2006
Author(s): Dr Ardeshir B. Damania
In the Isfahan province of Iran, there is a small village Abyaneh, famously known as the "RedVillage " because of its red soil and houses built of red clay. The architectural style of this historical village is like a staircase, with houses constructed at different levels. The village is included in the list of the National Historical Heritage Sites of the country.
It is famous for good, hardworking and knowledgeable people as well as its red mud-wall dwellings dating back to the Sassanid period. Inaddition, it boasts of a very pleasant climate, being located on the northwestern slopes of the Karakas Mountains, a rocky range that runs north-south from the town of Kashan to Ardestan - a distance of 110Km. The nearest town Natanz is 28 Kms to the village. The architectural facet as well as the ritual sand the clothing of the habitants of the Abyaneh village is a sight worth seeing at least once.
The Jame-e-mosque of this village, with its historical wooden altar dating from 776 ACE and its wooden pulpit dating 466 ACE, has an inscription in the 'kufi' script. It was most probably built over a Zarathusht fire-temple whose remains have been excavated by an Iranian team of archaeologists in2005.

Human-Environment Relationship in Rural Society(case study of Abyaneh)
Author: Ali Hamidian , Mehdi Ghorbani University of Tehran Januari 2011
Abstract: There are lots of villages in Iran (more than 64000 in 2006).Villages are very important and incredible, both in safety of the borders and keeping live a large part of Iran. So we should attend to villages and rural issues in our planning and researches. To use past experiences and have a correct planning, we have to have a correct conclusion of the past experiences and a logical assessment of future position . So having a profound knowledge about villages is one of the most important issues in sustainable development. Abyaneh, which is located in Isfahan province, is a rural tourism destination in Iran. In this study, had presented general information about Abyaneh before discussed about conditions of pastoralism and agriculture in past and todays.In this study we used direct observation method and organised interview with target groups. This study showed that Abyaneh used to have a rich native culture in agriculture and pastoralism.It also showed that Increasing of migration of youth-because of lack of education facilities there- and increasing of income-because of tourism developing- affected pastoralism and agriculture in Abyaneh since 1960.Unfortunately Abyaneh decayed from a dynamic village to a static museum for tourists for passing a couple of hours there.
Keywords: Human-Environment_Relationship_in_Rural_Societycase_study_of_Abyaneh
Full-text PDF available at the site below (Text in Parsi)
The Rural Tourism Anthropology (Case Study: Abyaneh Village)
Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research , Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch , Vol. 2, No. 1, Summer 2012, Pp. 143-158 , Author: Ph.D Student in Anthropology, Pune University, India Yaghoub Sharbatian & Shirin Khazaee M:A: in Anthropology
Abstract: Expressions of Rural tourism, agro tourism, and village tourism are used many times as synonyms by experts and developers. This fact can be explained with the diverse activities of the area. Countryside hospitality is more or less connected to the agribusiness and this marketing product consists of accommodation services, catering and leisure time services. Rural tourism can be defined as a tourism product, which approach accentuates the importance of supply management and marketing activities. As against conventional tourism, rural tourism has certain typical characteristics like; it is experience oriented, the locations are sparsely populated, it is predominantly in natural environment, it meshes with seasonality and local events and is based on preservation of culture, heritage and traditions. Iran is world famous for kind hospitality, friendliness, and a beautiful Landscape and villages. Beautiful historical villages and rural areas, like Abyane have been visited by many foreign and domestic tourists. Definitely, Tourism industry in the villages has positive and negative consequences. Some experts focus on the positive aspects and vice versa. Some experts disagree with this industry and believe that must be prevented rural tourism. The main purpose in this paper is to investigate the aspects of tourism in Abyane village by anthropology view. The method in this paper is quantities and also action research and tools of data collection is documental.
Keywords: Rural Tourism ، Anthropology ، Abyaneh Village
Ref: PDF file is available on following site